The New Chabad Jewish Center In Chengdu

About Our Community

Building Dedication - $260,000

The Chabad Jewish Center was established in Chengdu in early 2012. For the past 7 years the Chabad House has been housed in rented spaces. We began in a small apartment, and then as the community grew, we grew as well into larger villas in different areas of the city. In seven years, we have moved 5 places! The time has come to build a permanent home for the Jewish community of Chengdu!
The new building will house a Mikveh, Jewish Preschool, Kosher Restaurant, Synagogue, Guest Suites, Social Halls and just about everything a Jewish Community Needs!


The Mikve

The Mikve
The First Kosher Women’s Mikve In The Western China Region
The Mikvah Will Serve More Than 80 Members And Guests On A Monthly Basis
The Nearest Mikve Is A Three Hour Flight Away

First Floor

Lobby & Entrance Hall
Social Hall
Commercial Kosher Kitchen

The welcome center and information desk for all who enter the Chabad House. This is the place where you can receive information for your travels, your studies, as well as your business.

  • $36,000

The restaurant at the Chabad House is the only Kosher Restaurant in all of western China. We will have a beautiful state of the art eatery, as well as provide deliveries throughout the city, to ensure that eating Kosher is easily available in Chengdu.

  • $80,000
    Donated By George Rohr

This is the kitchen that will prepare the food for the restaurant, the Shabbat and Holiday meals, Cater Groups and events, as well as the daily meals and snacks for the Preschool.

  • $54,000

The Kosher store is where the locals and guests will have the opportunity to pick up Kosher items that are not available anywhere else in the city.

  • $26,000

This area will house a booth for a full time security guard, as well as a top of the line alarm and security system

  • $50,000

The social hall will serve the community for Shabbat and Holiday Meals, events and programs for all occasions.

  • Hall Dedication 
  • Tables and chairs
  • Dinnerware

Second Floor


Aron Kodesh, Bima, Women’s Gallery and Men’s Seating Area

Conference And Study Room

The conference room will be open to the community and businessmen and women to have meetings and workshops. This will also be the place where classes will be conducted.


All will be welcome to browse our library. To learn and study with books in Hebrew and English on many different topics. ​

  • Library Area Dedication
    Library Area Dedication $18,000
  • Book Cases
    Book Cases $5,000 X 4
  • Library Furnishings
    Library Furnishings $7,000

Travelers Lounge

This is where backpackers and community members can relax, use the internet, make a phone call, grab a cup of coffee and catch up with friends.

Third Floor


Ganeinu Preschool

Ganeinu is Chengdu’s Jewish Preschool of the Arts. It’s the only Jewish Preschool in the western China region. Children from ages 1-4 explore, discover and learn about life in a Jewish environment.

  • Ganeinu Naming
    Ganeinu Naming $80,000
  • Classrooms
    Classrooms $36,000 X 2

Children’s Play Area​

The indoor play area will be open to all children who visit the Chabad House. And will be used by the Preschool Children when it is unsafe to play outside due to the high pollution.

  • Ganeinu Naming
    Ganeinu Naming $80,000
  • Music System
    Music System $36,000

Fourth Floor

Visitors Suite

Guest rooms will be available for businessmen and women or travelers to stay in during their time in Chengdu. Donated By George Rohr

Teachers Residence

The teachers in Ganeinu are volunteers who are coming from abroad. They are passionate about the children and Jewish education and this is where they will stay.


This area will house the offices, Rabbi's office, and logistics wing.

Roof Top Garden

Sukkah and Chupah Plaza
Roof Top Garden
The garden will provide spices and vegetables for the Shabat dinners and will make the food taste unforgettable 
Outdoor Event Space

About us

Henig Family

We moved to the city of Chengdu, China in 2012 to be the Rebbe’s Emissaries. Chengdu is home to over 230 local Jews as well as hundreds of travelers, businessmen and women, and students who visit each year. We provide Adult Education classes, Ganeinu Preschool, A Kosher Restaurant, Jewish Women’s Circle, A Men’s Club, Shabbat and Holiday services and meals, as well as meeting the spiritual, emotional and physical needs of the community.

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